Misty Mountain Domestic Water Improvement District
Important Announcements

Important Announcements

Update July 4, 2024

The latest copy of our Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR) are now available on this website under Reports.

Wishing all of our customers a safe and happy forth of July

Update 04-20-2024

The MMDWID Pump House and system will undergo Inspection by ADEQ on May 20, 2024. In the meantime, we will be working to make sure we are in compliance with all regulations.

Update on using Porter Mountain Water 04-06-2023

Please read the Porter Mountain Share agreement. We currently have an agreement with Porter Mountain DWID to connect to their well if we need to in an emergency. Porter Mountain charges Misty Mountain more that we charge our customers therefore the charge will be passed along to you, the customer. See the agreement. We are thankful to have Porter Moiuntain as a partner. As always we ask our customers to conserve water when we are on the Porter Mtn. well.

Porter Mountain Water share agreement

The Latest 03-24-2024

Great news! We are now able to accept online payments through your ebill. Just click on the "Online payment" options and follow the prompts.
It is quick and easy. There is a transaction fee that will be charged to our customers after the money is deposited in our account.
Transaction fees are as follows
EFT - 1%,  Credit card 2.99%, Paypal 2.99%, Venmo 2.99%.
If you choose to pay online, the transaction fee will be assessed and placed on your next months bill. Look for the "transaction fee" on your bill.
The great thing is that it is quick and easy.  With the cost of stamps at $.66 a stamp it is pretty cost effective.
Of course, you can always pay  in cash or check and continue to use snail mail, or drop off at Mariann's house.
Your statements are now new and improved and give you an accurate description of your water usage.
As always, please call if you have any questions.

Update 03/09-2024

As the new rates unfold, we would like to thank our customers who have been most patient and understanding. We are currently working on a process to link out accounts to online payments. It has not been set up yet, however, so please do not use the link to pay online. Over the next couple of months we will test the process. There will be a small fee that the banks charge for online payments, 1% for electronic transfer and 2.99% for credit card transctions. This goes along with the community standard for using Credit cards.
Once the online payment is tested we will roll it out for our customers to use.

Financial Update 02-22-24

Please read the announcement in your next water bill. On Feb 21, 2024, the Board voted 5-0 to change the rate structure and have included the new rates in that announcement.

Minutes fom that meeting have been posted on this website.


Happy New Year

Latest update:

The new well pump was installed and we also needed to replace the converter box. The installation will be done some time next week.  At that time we will be able to go back to our Misty Mountain Well and transfer off Porter Mountain Water. It has been a long process but we are finally ahead of the game. Thank you all for your patience.

Latest 12/28/23

In the past week we have changed out 4 capacitors in the pump house. We are in the process of upgrading the electrical panel which will bring the system into working order.

Update :

We have a new email address: mistymountaindwid@gmail.com

New cover for Valves

Beeman Drilling installing new well pump and pipe

UPDATE 11/30/2023

We received a call from Water Ops a short while ago informing us that our well sample tested positive for coliform. This is not harmful but must be treated with Chlorine.  Water Ops(CWO) will continue to treat until the sample comes back negative. This may take weeks.  It is likely that when the well pump was replaced it became contaminated. Water Ops took their normal precautions to prevent contamination.  We will send out updates as we receive them from Water Ops. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Update 10/31/23  Happy Halloween

Great news! We are back on Misty Mountain Water. The new well pump and new electrical wiring has been installed. Dose and Flush is being done and we will be back to normal soon.

A huge thank you to Barry, and Trevor of WaterOps, and Beamann Wells for taking great care to see that we were in water as soon az possible.

UPDATE 10-28-23

Dear customers.

Progress is being made. Installation was completed on the new well late Friday. The tanks are currently being refilled.  All precautions are being taken to ensure that our system isn’t contaminated. There may continue to be a chlorine taste in the water for the next several days.

Thank you Water Ops and Beeman for making this process run smoothly.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Misty Mtn Water Board

Misty Mountain Domestic Water Improvement District

Update 10-25-23

The latest news.

Tomorrow morning we will switch our water over to Porter Mtn water system.  Our water tanks are half full tonight. We hope to have the new well pump delivered on Friday. We also hope to resume Misty Mountain water within 5 business days. As always we will keep you informed as we obtain new information. Remember when we change over to the Porter Mtn system you may notice a Chlorine smell or taste. This is normal for a chlorinated system. Once we switch back to Misty Mtn water, Water Ops will complete a Dose and Flush to the system.  Have questions, give us a call.

Update 10-24-23

Our well pump was removed yesterday. There is a new pump on order and should arrive on Friday. We are using water at a rate of 1 ft decrease in our tanks per day. At that rate we will most likely switch to Porter Mountain water tomorrow 10-25-23. Water Ops has decreased the water pressure this morning in order to conserve water. WE STRONGLY URGE ALL MISTY MTN. WATER CUSTOMERS TO CONSERVE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

All efforts are being taken to expidite this process. We will email all customers when we transfer to Porter Mountain.

We will update the website as we obtain new information.

Update 10-23-23

Good afternoon,
As promised here is an update on our water situation. The old well pump is being replaced as we speak. By tomorrow, they will order a new replacement pump. Water Ops has already topped off the 2 Misty Mtn tanks, and has prepared the Porter Mountain connection in case we need to connect. Rest assured you will not be out of water.
What you need to know,
Please conserve water until this process is complete. It would not hurt to fill a few water jugs or delay watering the plants. It may take a few days to install a new pump and wiring. In the meantime, if we do need to open the Porter Mtn valve, we will notify everyone. The Porter Mtn DWID does chlorinate their water. In this case if we connect to them, you will notice a change in taste and smell. Once we close the connection and revert back to the Misty Mtn well, WaterOps, our CWO, will dose and flush our entire system to clean the water and to remove any chlorine from our system.
We appreciate your cooperation while we upgrade the system. As always feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Update 10/22/23

We wish to inform our customers that we received a call today from our CWO (Certified Water Operator) Barry Harville. He informed us that our well pump and wiring are failing. Barry was notified by our Sensaphone emergency alert system that the pump was not functioning to capacity. Bottom line it has to be replaced.
The Misty Mtn Water Board met this afternoon and voted to replace the well pump and well pump wiring (wiring was not replaced the last time the well pump was pulled). Our well pump has exceeded expectations for life expectancy. Barry will start the process asap.
We will keep you informed as information is made available. In the meantime please conserve water when ever possible. go to our Conservation page on this website